Thursday, 24 January 2008

Please keep me in your prayers!!

Hey i just want to quickly share with you about whats happening with my visa situation right now.I was denied a one year visa before coming back to Thailand last November and have only been able to extend it until 18 March.(Praise God for that!!!)
At this time i will have to leave Thailand and my best option would be to go to Australia, where i am sure to get a one year visa.
I need and ask that you would pray with me as i have yet to see any of the needed funds come in!!!
Please pray with me for this and if you or anyone you know feel led to be involved in answering this prayer, please let me know.
Thank you!!!


Sous Chef Mom said...

Can you tell us how much you need? And what you will be doing in Australia?

Sous Chef Mom said...

Oh and, of course we will pray.

Boy and Jeri said...

Hey! Praying for you for sure! Keep us updated! Did you get a digital camera?!?!!? Ah, the memories!!